Our History
In 2011, three dads began to meet for breakfast to start reading a book about Classical Christian education and to start thinking about how they were going to educate their young children. They knew little about education but wanted to give their kids something they never had growing up. These early conversations were deeply inspiring (and intimidating!). But by their second meeting, they knew that God was calling them to start a school.
Over the next two years, a devoted small group of moms and dads began a small homeschool co-op for Kindergarten to 3rd graders. These devoted families worked together to give their children something unique—a school filled with the joy of Christ and the wonder of learning. But they soon saw the need for a more established school. So, in 2013, Trinity Classical School was launched with 20 students and three teachers. Since that time, TCS has grown significantly as more families learn about the vision and power of classical learning.
You can do far less than you think you can in five years, but far more than you think you can in fifty.
Thomas Chalmers